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The Official Student-Run Newspaper of California High School

The Californian

The Official Student-Run Newspaper of California High School

The Californian

The Official Student-Run Newspaper of California High School

The Californian

Michelle Nguyen, Jeana Lee, and Miranda LeGate tackle the age-old question: "What do I watch now?"

Quarantine Binge List: TV and Movie Recommendations

Michelle Nguyen, Jeana Lee, and Miranda LeGate May 23, 2020

We know you’re bored. We are too. We also know you’re sitting at home watching a lot of TV. We are too. So to help you sift through all the shows that you can devote your valuable free time to...

Musicians struggle during quarantine

May 23, 2020

Different events all around the world have been being cancelled frequently due to the coronavirus pandemic. One event that has been probably hit the hardest is live music concerts, with musicians being...

Reporter Max Hove helps you pick a console to game away your boredom.

Battle of the Consoles: PS5 vs Xbox One X

Max Hove, Staff Writer May 23, 2020

Two of the biggest video game console companies are releasing their new systems late this year around the holidays, and it’s shaping up to be one of the greatest console wars we have ever seen.  Sony’s...

The Oakland Symphony Youth Orchestra is pictured above during its 2019 concert tour of China after its performance in Beijing's Xi'an Concert Hall.

Youth orchestras continue to rehearse over Zoom calls

Annika Seo, Staff Writer May 23, 2020

Unprecedented times call for unprecedented actions and changes.  During this lonely, isolated period of global quarantine and lockdown, people have found new ways to interact, connect, and feel...

Music artists bounce back with virtual concerts

Michelle Nguyen, Features Editor May 23, 2020

The year 2020 was truly the one where music events were basically lined up back to back. This was the year that the music industry was going to thrive. Unfortunately, Miss 'Rona decided to go on a world...

Many movies such as Trolls World Tour, live action Mulan, and Black Widow have had to postpone their premieres because cinemas worldwide have been closed.

Pandemic puts the movie industry on hold

Tyler Aronson, Staff Writer May 23, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has written a new script to the movie industry and how the world will experience cinema in the future.  Many films originally set to have a release date this spring were...

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