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The Official Student-Run Newspaper of California High School

The Californian

The Official Student-Run Newspaper of California High School

The Californian

The Official Student-Run Newspaper of California High School

The Californian

Dustin Smith wins the Worst Dietary Decision by eating an AirPod.

The 11 worst superlatives for the Class of 2021

Josh Nichols, Brady Horton, and Ben Olson June 2, 2021

In our four years at Cal, there have been numerous instances of triumph and success. But we want to focus on the lowlights, so to say. Welcome to the Class of 2021’s Senior Worsts.  Worst Victims...

Texas is giving Florida a run for its money.

Texas: A rapsheet

Brady Horton and Josh Nichols April 28, 2021

Today, we’re going to be talking about Texas, the only state that has seceded from two different countries because the ruling class was so against the idea of freeing their slaves. Texas is a vast...

Even while school is remote and people stay at home, participating seniors are still actively seeking out their targets.

Even in a pandemic, Assassins lives on

Josh Nichols, News Lite Editor March 11, 2021

During this nightmare of a past year, normalcy has been rewritten. But as I sat in the back parking lot of our school at 5:30 p.m. on a Tuesday, watching my fellow classmates aggressively maneuver their...

Letter from the football gods

Josh Nichols, News Lite Editor November 4, 2020

Dear Football Fans, It is our favorite time of year. So many healthy ACL’s to feast on. A seemingly endless bounty of untouched, Achilles tendons. So many unbruised hip flexors. Can you smell it? It...

It sure is tough being a Raiders fan

Josh Nichols, News Lite Editor April 22, 2020

This must be said: The Raiders are the 21st century version of Chernobyl.  Nobody is immune from the intense radiation spewing from this failed blob of a football team.  The Mack trade. The Cooper...

Sports world mourns loss of Kobe Bryant

Josh Nichols, News Lite Editor January 28, 2020

Kobe Bryant is gone, but his legacy is going nowhere.  Kobe inspired millions throughout his playing career. He constantly showed that the impossible was possible, becoming one of the NBA’s most...

The Anti-Vax Movement has reached new accomplishments with their stupidity, including a recent outbreak of the preventable disease known as measles.

Anti-Vax movement is clueless

Joshua Nichols, Staff Writer May 2, 2019

Vaccinations are good.  Right?  Polio, Measles, Mumps, Influenza, Pertussis, Tetanus, HPV, Meningitis, Chicken Pox, Hepatitis A, and Hepatitis B are all diseases or illnesses people can be...

Niners make a clear choice, Raiders…not so much

Josh Nichols, News Lite Editor April 26, 2019

The first day of the NFL draft is in the books, and the Raiders did it again with another head-scratching pick at No. 4 overall, but recovered with two other solids first round selections. The 49ers took...

Left to right, young deities Marko Batkovic, NAtale Samuels, Samantha D'Arpino, and Alex Valleoneo flex their sacred goods.

Overpriced, overused, overrated

Josh Nichols, News Lite Editor February 12, 2019

Throughout history, people have always had the desire to be the best: sports, academics, politics, underwater basket weaving, beaver role play, you name it. There is always someone trying to be...

Legendary Bob Spain leaves Cal High

Legendary Bob Spain leaves Cal High

Josh Nichols and Conan Maron, Staff Writers November 28, 2018

Damn, we really don’t appreciate someone until he’s gone.  In Cal’s storied history, we’ve never had an administrator transcend all space and time as Bob Spain.  Never have we had...

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