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The Official Student-Run Newspaper of California High School

The Californian

The Official Student-Run Newspaper of California High School

The Californian

The Official Student-Run Newspaper of California High School

The Californian

Image of Ceci Musgrove, Features Co-Editor

Ceci Musgrove, Features Editor

Ceci Musgrove has been in the newspaper class for the past two years. As a senior, they are one of the two features editors. Last year they were a reporter but this year they are looking forward to editing and designing the features section. Their favorite story to have written last year was their review of Red Dead Redemption 2. Their favorite subjects are English, Psychology, and History. They dream of going to school in Colorado and studying criminology but are looking forward to their senior year and being an editor in newspaper. 

All content by Ceci Musgrove