McFerrin takes on leadership as the new advisor
English 11 teacher Erin McFerrin took on the job as leadership advisor this year. She strives to bring school spirit and make the program more inclusive to all students.
Organizing school-wide events, activities and clubs is not an easy job. In fact, it takes a lot of dedication, patience and hard work.
Luckily for Cal High, Erin McFerrin, the new leadership teacher, is ready to use her skills to guide and improve the school through the leadership program.
This year, McFerrin has taken the position of leadership advisot, replacing former advisor Jenna Ray, who moved to Oregon over the summer.
McFerrin, who has already been an English 11 teacher at Cal for one year, heard that the position of leadership adviser was available and was eager to apply for the job.
Although the school year has only just begun, McFerrin seems to know exactly what she’s doing.
“She’s doing an amazing job adjusting,” said Holly Taresh, a senior and third-year leadership student.
McFerrin has plenty of experience. Prior to coming to Cal last year, she taught English and supervised the leadership program at a school in Pittsburg, California. She has been teaching for a total of seven years and has been a leadership adviser for three of those years.
“This is my dream job,” McFerrin said.
She enjoys teaching leadership because she finds that students in the program are very spirited. As it is her first year in charge of such a large leadership program, McFerrin is excited for the upcoming school year and has goals that she looks forward to achieving.
For the leadership class, she plans to work toward creating a supportive environment while establishing trust and harmony. Her goals for Cal as a whole include making the leadership program more inclusive of other groups and activities such as sports or band.
“She’s really genuine,” English teacher Stacey Quick said about McFerrin. “All her students really appreciate her and enjoy her class.”
McFerrin dedicates a lot of time and effort in making a difference at Cal. In addition to teaching two periods of leadership and two periods of English 11, McFerrin also oversees club affairs.
“She’s awesome. She’s the nicest person ever,” said senior ASB President Andrew Cabral. “She’s doing a good job keeping everyone in check.”
Outside of teaching, McFerrin enjoys traveling, going on road trips, reading, sewing, making jam, baking, and participating in other creative activities. Because of her involvement in so many activities on campus, McFerrin is often extremely busy. Despite her packed schedule, McFerrin invites students to go and talk to her.
“I want students to know that I am accessible,” she said. “I’m here to help.”