Former editor in chief reflects on past year of college
Austin Hille provides words of wisdom to guide incoming freshmen

Above, former editors Austin Hille, standing, and Ryan Zhang collaborate on an issue of The Californian.
Perhaps there is no greater feeling than walking off the football field after graduation and realizing that high school is officially over.
But after that feeling goes away, many are quickly shoved into a new reality of living in a university environment and handling every aspect that such an environment entails.
I personally have just finished my first year of this transition at University of Mississippi, and as the former editor in chief of The Californian, I have been granted permission to rant about it in this column.
Chances are if one is a graduating senior on track to receive a college education then they have heard the many horror stories of what college academics entail.
Some examples may include: the all nighters, the many cups of coffee, having no social life, and not showering for weeks on end.
I cannot speak for everyone, but I will do it anyways.
College is not as scary as one may think.
If you are reading this column right now chances are you are receiving one of the best high school level educations you can have, and that will be invaluable in your coming years as a university student.
College isn’t 13th through 16th grade, but the skills California High School equips its students with are more than adequate to ensure that one can succeed in whatever school they may be attending.
Perhaps the one rule that will ensure that one can make the most of their college experience is to just use common sense.
Doing the assigned readings, going to class, and studying an adequate (but not excessive) amount of time for tests and quizzes are the simple ways of making sure that one can academically thrive.
There are no tricks. There is no magic word.
Many will be faced with challenges that may seem more daunting than one may be used to, but given the proper time and attention, they can always overcome them.
I understand that I sound like some caption from a cheesy Facebook post, but these methods are truly what work, and not to brag, but I have the grades to prove it.
Underclassmen, if you are worried about your academic future after high school allow me to offer you a bit of advice.
No three classes will prepare you more for university level academics than Brian Barr’s mock trial class, Sean King’s AP English Language and Composition class, and Jessica Heagle’s AP Literature and Composition course.
I continue to use the skills I learned from these courses on a daily basis in my time at Ole Miss. Regardless of your major, I know that they can help you as well.
My time in newspaper has also been invaluable.
If you know you will be pursuing a liberal arts major, then the writing skills you learn from working on the newspaper staff are more than necessary to ensure your success.
It is my opinion that every little accomplishment is worth celebrating, so, even though it may seem petty, be sure to congratulate yourself for graduating high school.
You have achieved something that many never get the chance to do, so make sure to not take it for granted.